The sharewarist’s central
(continued) this is a list of Internet sites of some of the most widespread computer magazines:
(the verification of links on this page is still in progress...)
Java Report - =
JavaWorld** - =
JBuilder Developer's Journal - Inprise/Borland JBuilder
JOOP - journal of object oriented programming
The Journal of Conceptual Modeling* - data modeling, design, and implementation
KDNuggets News** - e-newsletter for the Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
KMWorld - Publisher - knowledge management, database
Knowledge Management Magazine (UK) - =
KURIER (Austria) - multimedia
LAN Times - C*
Linux-Magazin (Germany) - =
Linux Gazette* - =
Linux Journal - =
Linux Papers* - =
Linux Magazine - =
Linux Today* - = - internet.com
Linux Weekly News* - = - tucows
Linux World* - = - IDG
LinuxFocus* - =, multilingual
LinuxPlanet* - = - internet.com
Lotus R5 Domino and Notes Advisor - Lotus Notes and Domino R5
Mac Magazin (Germany) - =
Mac Online Tech Journal* - Mac Hardware
Mac Tech Magazine - Mac tech and development
Mac Today - graphics
MacAddict - =
MacDirectory - directory, both Web and print
MacInTouch* - =
MACup (Germany) - =
MacUser (UK) - =
MacWEEK* - = - ZD
Macwelt Online (Germany) - =
Macworld - =
Macworld (UK) - ?
Magazyn INTERNET (Poland) - =
Magazyn Linux UNIX (Poland) - =
Magazyn x86 (Poland) -
Manufacturing Marketplace** - Design, Automation & Controls, Plant Operations, Supply Chain
Maximum Linux - =
Maximum PC Network - PC, buying, fixing, upgrading
Managing Office Technology -
Marketing Computers -
Maximize Windows -
MessageQ.Com* - ebusiness
Messaging Magazine (EMA)* - ebusiness, messaging
Methods Tools** - newsletter, software development and engineering
MICRO Magazine - semiconductor tech, defect reduction
Micro Publishing News -
Mikrodatorn (Sweden) - computers and Internet
MicroDesign Resources - Publishers
Microprocessor Report** - makers and users of high performance microprocessors
Microsoft Product Insider* - M$ products
Midrange Computing - AS/400
MOS - optical memory
Multi-CAD Magazine (Australia) -
Multichannel News - cable TV
Multimedia Producer -
Multimedia World -
M+K Computermarkt (Switzerland) -
The Net -
Net Guide (Australia) -
Net (Netherlands)
NetGuide -
NetGuideWeb (New Zealand) -
NetMag (Pakistan) -
Network VAR -
Network World -
Network World (Germany) -
Networking Management -
Neural Network News - mailing lists, newsgroups
Net Profit - information and analysis on commercial uses of the Internet
NEWS/400 -
NewtNews -
Next Generation -
Notebook Organizer (Germany) -
NT Magazine (Germany) -
OEM Magazine -
Office Systems -
Office Journal (Germany) -
Office Technology Management -
Online Learning Magazine (Inside Technology Training) - innovative strategies for business
Online Today (Germany) -
OS/2 Magazine -
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* online only
** newsletter
C* canceled