The sharewarist’s central
This is a list of Internet sites of some of the most widespread computer magazines, plus online magazines, ezines and newsletters:
.net magazine (UK) -
1984 online* - Mac ezine
3000 NewsWire** - newsletter, directory for HP3000
3D Artist Magazine - for artists
3D Live (Germany) - visual computing & video
3D magazine - 3D industry
Access-VB-SQL Advisor - e-business & tech
Access Internet Magazine - America guide to the Internet
Accounting Technology -
ACTion News** - smart card
Acrobatics (UK) - magazine for Acrobat users ??
Adobe Magazine - magazine for Adobe users
Advanced Packaging Magazine - microelectronics, packaging
AI Magazine - artificial intelligence (quarterly)
America's Network - telecom
Andover.Net - Publisher
Apache Week** - apache Web Server
APCMag (Australia) - technology
AppleInsider* - news
Application Development Advisor - europe
Application Development Trends - for corporate software managers
Asia IT Report Online - for strategic decision maker
AS/400 Systems Management -
ATM Report - ATM and IP convergence
Australian IT* (Australia) - news
AutoCAD Magazin (Germany) - =
Automated Software Engineering* (UK) - =
Frontline Solutions (Automatic I.D. News) - information management
Banking Technology - financial systems
BE Magazine - C*
BeNews - BeOS
Beyond Computing - computing
Biometrics - =
Biometrika (UK) - biometrics
Boardwatch Magazine - guide to Internet access
BPR - Business Product Review (Australia) -
Broadband Week - cable technology, telecom
Broadcast Hardware International - broadcast audio/video production
Business 2.0* - new economy news
Business Communications Review - for the enterprise network manager
Business Intelligence Advisor* - tech & strategies for business intelligence
The BusinessTech - Internet business
Byte Magazine - computers and IT
C++ Report - =
C't (Germany) - for computer technician
CA-Unicenter Advisor Magazine - magazine for Unicenter TNG
Cable World - cable video voice and data
Cabling Installation Maintenance - premises and campuswide communication
CAD Systems* - 2D/3D CAD innovators
CAD World (Germany) - =
CADCAM Magazine (UK) - integrated design and production
Cadence - CAD
CADInfo* - CAD
Call Center Magazine - customer care
C@LL CENTER Solutions - customer relationship management
Canada Computers (Canada) - Publisher (The Computer Paper)
CATIA Solutions Magazine - magazine for CATIA users
CD-ROM Now idg -
CD-ROM Today -
CED Magazine - broadband communication
ChannelWeb - for the solution provider, b2b tools and services
Chip (Germany) - computers
Chip (Italy) - computers
CHIPS - Navy's information technology magazine
CIO Magazine - for information executives
CIO WebBusiness - strategy for competing online
CIO (Australia) - =
Cipher - Newsletter from IEEE: security
Circuit Cellar 2 - computer applications; embedded control
Cisco World* - magazine of Cisco
civic.com - ?
Client/Server Computing -
CMPnet - Publisher
Cold Fusion Advisor* - magazine for Cold Fusion users
Communications International - for network operators
Communications System Design - = (soft, BG)
Communications Week -
CompactPCI Systems Magazine - for users of Ruggedized systems
Competia* - competitive intelligence, strategic planning
CompInfo News* - IT news
Component Development Strategies (Object Oriented Strategies)* - managing component-based sys
Computable (Netherlands) - professional and personal computing
Computer Arts magazine - creative resources
Computer Bits* - computer information
Computer Buyer - computers
Computer Consultant (UK) - =
Computer Digest -
Computer Games - =
Computer Graphics World - innovation in visual computing
Computer Life -
Computer Inter@ctive (Italy) - computers & Internet
Computer Music - =
Computer Networks - computer and telecommunications networking
Computer News Daily (The Times) - news
Computer Panorama (Hungary) -
Computer Reseller News -
Computer Retail Week -
Computer Shopper** - computers
Computer Shopper (UK) - ?
Computer Standards Interfaces - standards for computers, data communications and interfaces
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) - collaborative computing
Computer Sweden (Sweden) - computers, IT
Computer Telephony Magazine - products and services for communication
Computer Times* (Singapore) - computers
Computer Tip (Germany) - computer games
Computer Trade Show World -
Computer Weekly? (UK) - computers
Computer Facile (Italy) - computers
ComputerBild (Germany) - computers
Computergram International* - daily IT
Computerist Magazine* - news, reviews
Computers in Libraries -
Computers Today (India) - computers
ComputerWire* - news
ComputerWoche (Germany) - IT
ComputerWorld - =
ComputerWorld (Australia) - =
Computex OnLine Taiwan Tech News* (Taiwan)- computers
Computing Canada (Canada) - =
Japan Inc (Computing Japan Magazine) (Japan) - business, tech, people
Computing SA Home (Zambia) - =
The connection (Computing)* (UK) - computer users
CompuTrade (Taiwan) - computers
Connected* - hardware & software
Content Magazine - global digital media
Contingency Planning Management - business continuity
Contract Employment Weekly - jobs for IT
Converge! Network Digest** - network tech
The COOK Report On Internet** - Internet infrastructure development
Corel Magazine - for Corel users
Corporate Internet Strategies** - e-commerce, encryption, security, Internet
Customer Services Newsletter - customer service, call center
Cutter IT Journal (American Programmer) - IT management
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* online only
** newsletter
C* canceled