The sharewarist’s central
In this page we collect links to some resources useful for your Web site. It’s clear you need an host, a domain name (it’s so cheap today), a Web publishing software. Then you may need some icons for your site, and when all is up and running you might want to take a look to the useful services listed at the end of the page.
- Think Host
- Web 2010
Domain names registration:
- Dot.FM
- Dot Dealers
- Internic - Domain name search;
- EasyWebEditor - Visual editor, easy and fast, no coding; 5stars on ZD.
- iPer Hyper Publish PRO - Visual editor for the Web and for CDs, useful if you plan to put contents both to a site and to a professional CD;
- Macromedia DreamWeaver - Visual editor for the Web, useful if you want to have also the full control of the code and you know how to deal with it;
- Microsoft Front Page - Less powerful than EasyWebEditor and DreamWeaver but well known and widely used;
Icons, images:
- Iconbazaar - icons;
Banner services:
- AdBility - List of banner services (they pay you)
- Link Exchange - Banner link exchange service;
Useful services (possibly free):
- Net Whistle - warns you by email if your Web site goes down;
- Tracerlock - traces the position of your Web site in search engines;
- Web Developers Virtual Library - web resource link site;**
- services for search engines...
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