The sharewarist’s central
Looking for some simple sample EULA for a shareware or freeware product...
Sure, click here and feel free to copy and paste (replace ACME with your company and YourSoftware with your software name).
I've decided to distribute my softwares through CD-Rom compilation bundles. Unfortunately, after searching hard on search engines, I did not find the companies / distributors I expected...
Try the our list of distributors. You might also try http://softwarebundles.com
I am looking to market shareware. How do I go about checking to see if the name I want is already registered and how to register/trademark it? What costs are involved with this procedure?
There are international treaties, but basically trademark registration is still national. For the US, check the US trademark office site, http://, where you can register a mark for about $240. For most countries, the costs are similar. The correct trademark class is the n.42 (various things, engineering products). However, my personal suggestion is to check if the .com domain is available. If yes, register it: in case you immediately use this domain for your product, nobody can tell you nothing, neither subtract you the domain.
If I make a program using Visual Basic, do I owe Microsoft any thing?
Hummm... thanks for your consideration, but I’m not Bill Gates :-) Try to ask to the Microsoft support team (if any :) ). BTW I use Delphi and nothing is due to Borland.
How to calculate prices for site licenses?
Here's an example of one common formula:
Choose a discount factor between 0.5 and 0.9. With 0.5 your discounts will increase quicker with 0.9 your discounts will increase slower
100-user site license for a $25 product
100^(0.8 chosen)=40(factor) $25*40 = $1000 for 100-user site
license same product for 1000-user site license:
1000^(0.8)=251 $25*251 = $6275