The sharewarist’s central
Are you an expert in a shareware-related field? You are welcome to submit an article! As you probably know, an article is a great way to get some free exposure and a free
link to your site.
These are the guidelines:
- write it in plain English. I'll pass the spell-checker, no more. If you want a positive exposure, check your grammar!
- you don't need to be too much serious, but please speak about something related to shareware and shareware authors, I'm not interested about your girlfriend (I live too far ;-)).
- don't include references to your products/services. If you want to advertise here, please buy an ad space (click here).
- keep it short (1 or 2 sheets)
- you are allowed to include a two-line tag at the end (John Smith is the author of PolishIt, a quick utility that deletes all your system DLLs and make your system finally faster! http://polish-it.com)
You can submit the article to mailto:articles@upload.it
I will open just .txt files. Sorry no DOCs at all.
Obviously I can reject articles without giving any reason.
First come, first served.
Dr. Upload